Sunday, 14 June 2009

a fun filled (almost) final week*

this week has been a busy one..

firstly we have sun again - and it is bleeding hot! but its amazing weather for final uni memories..

...and for seconds - been making the most of evenings out..finding old records to play with. there were a fair few of these pics but just picked this one, a tad small, but kinda works - we had a giggle anyway..

last night me and my flatmates watched 'yes man'. it reminded me of how much i loved the book. im sure you've all heard of the film, but i read this book a few years ago and it changed my outlook on life. its hillarious and amazingly beautiful at the same time. so if your planning on starting a new book, make sure its this one! oh how i love you danny**


  1. lovely blog, i love all of your paint pictures <3

  2. oh laura...i am nearly finished yes man...i cant believe i didnt read it all in one go!
    thank you for danny!!!
    you said about all the things that you wouldnt have know about because of me, but you gave me danny!! haha.

  3. i miss you pumpkin pie.
    i cannot wait until the 21st of july!
    not at all!
    not one teeny bit!!!
    hugs please.


  4. Hello, you have the most fabulously wonderful site here and I had to leave this comment for you ! Your posts are beautifully written, creative and original too, and you have interesting pictures.

    It's all perfect !

    Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes.... 'Happy September'....

  5. Hey. I could get to liking your blog:) I never knew "Yes Man" was a book beforehand. Will check it out.
